Unresponsive Buttons

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Unresponsive Buttons

Post by InoSiX »


Picked one of these up some years back but misplaced one of the momentary switches. I put it away for years. I did power it on and confirm that it appeared to be working. The only switch I hadn't installed was the MODE button. It displayed:

Select Mode
CW 1/4

I can cycle it to option 2/4 and itll toggle the display on occasion to show the DC offset and sine wave output (amps & freq) but it doesn't seem to want to do much more than that. Perhaps I am operating it wrong.

I purchased a replacement switch after digging around here in the forums. The ones I received were white capped, not blue like the others. May not have an impact, but wanted to mention.

The invoice for the switch says as follows:
Part: EG6032-ND
MFG: TL2230OAF140

Perhaps I bought the wrong switch? Perhaps I oriented something incorrectly? I have all the momentaries setup to be LEFT (3 white forks, 2 black). Any troubleshooting techniques?
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