Hi all!
After finishing soldering work with my ds0138 kit, I got next two problems: noise on LCD and low voltages on the board.
Noise shows all time and I did not touch any thing with cpl...even fingers.
My volatages are: input v - 9,5v
AV- | -4,0
AV+ | 4,15
3,3v | 3,07
5v | 4,25
V1 | 0
V2 | 1,31
V3 | 3,5
tlvl | 0.85
V+ | 5,7
The noise and serial number at photos below
Please help!
Just noise and low voltages
Re: Just noise and low voltages
The power supply seems can not source enough current. The effective voltage was only 5.7V which is too low. Can you try with power supply of larger current capacity?
Re: Just noise and low voltages
Thank you for answer. Fortunately, voltages become good when i plugged 12 v instead of 9v. But noise still continue. Any suggestions?
Re: Just noise and low voltages
Can you post photo showing the noise with higher timebase (e.g. 1ms or higher)? 2s is very slow. The shown waveform might be the random data in memory came from power up.
Re: Just noise and low voltages
This is a photo http://www.picshare.ru/view/7746720/
Note: cpl does not touch anything.
Note: cpl does not touch anything.