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JP4 Burnt Off

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:07 am
by bkeevil
While trying to solder JP4 closed I wound up burning it off the board. It looks like I should be able to solder a wire between TP22 and the 3.3V terminal (TP23) to achieve the same result. When I do this I can see the 3.3V voltage at the inputs to the MPU power filter capacitors but the CPU is still not running. Is there something wrong with this solution? Did I miss something? Maybe I have another unrelated problem?

Also, is it possible to get an image of the circuit traces on the board. I have another issue with a trace that goes from the LED to the header row that has lifted off the board but I can't tell where that trace is supposed to go. An image of the PCB traces would make troubleshooting so much easier :-)