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Voltages off. V5 = -.3.3 V4= 1.6 not -1.6 LED intermitant

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:49 pm
Sometimes the LED comes on, blinks once or twice then goes back out,,,never comes on again, Sometimes pressing S12 makes it come back then it goes out.
Never blinks once, then twice.....If I sits for a bit, it might come on again, when power applied,
Swapped crystals, that did not seem to change anything. Am at the point of adding the LCD, but wanted to wait until I hear back.
Bat charging seems to go OK.
Rechecked all connections, etc. Used to SMD stuff so this was pretty easy compared to that.

Re: Voltages off. V5 = -.3.3 V4= 1.6 not -1.6 LED intermit

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:08 pm
Update.... a few checks, a cold solder joint, re-loading the boot loader and the Firmware,,, unit is now operational, and ready for the additional tests before final assembly.
Voltages still appear to be off on V4 and V5, all associated components are correct and connections confirmed.