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Source codes for jyeLab v0.70

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:42 pm
by jye1
The attached is the source code for jyeLab v0.70 . This software has not be changed for almost two years due to two reasons - we have been very busy and we do not have enough expertise to do good Windows programming. From time to time we received requests from customers to improve this software. We felt sorry because we couldn't satisfy them. Now we open the source code with the hope that people who have the expertise can help to improve it.

I must say the source code is not very well structured and is not documented. So it may be a bit hard to read it through. However, we will try to answer questions at our best knowledge even though there may be many parts that we do not really understand why they are working or not working.

We are not going to hold the copyright of this software. It is free for anyone to copy, distribution, and use of the codes for any purpose. At the same time, we do not take any liability and should not be held liable for any damages caused by the use of this software and its future versions.

It is appreciated if someone can help to put the codes in Git hub so as the development can be in a more organized manner. We wanted to do this but simply couldn't find time to get familiar with Git hub.

Source codes for jyeLab v0.70
(1.74 MiB) Downloaded 2718 times

With help of Adrian ( 0AlphaOmega) from UK we setup and Github account and have uploaded jyeLab project to it. Please see

Many thanks to Adrian!

Re: Source codes for jyeLab v0.70

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:06 am
by jye1
The software was developed under Borland C++ Builder v6.0.

Re: Source codes for jyeLab v0.70

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:23 am
by jye1
With help of Adrian ( 0AlphaOmega) from UK we setup and Github account and have uploaded jyeLab project to it. Please see

Many thanks to Adrian!

Re: Source codes for jyeLab v0.70

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:59 pm
by harvie
Please consider extracting the jye protocol driver from jyelab source code and adapting it to sigrok software. That way there's no need to develop jyelab, because sigrok community will help with everything. I've written some details here: